Happy Holidays from TechGuys!

2011 has been a wonderful year over in our necks of the woods and that simply wouldn’t exist without the extraordinarily high level of people that we work with and work for. It really is the people that make the difference.

A Blast From the Past…Spiderman Style!

What exactly Spiderman, an outdated video system and lollipops have to do with either marketing or TechGuys in generally is beyond most levels of human comprehension…but this dude seems to think there’s a connection to be made somewhere. Enjoy the ride down memory lane!

General Tomfoolery – Tech Guys Team Meeting Announcement

Every week, I’m in charge of rallying the team to GoToMeeting to chat about the current happenings of the team. While the list I’ve seen in other companies is boring and something people get ready to do Sudoku for, I’ve taken a different approach. Here is an example of this week’s Itinerary: Bring your lollersk8s Read More »

To The Moon Alice! To The Moon!

A friend of mine sent me a link to a YouTube video where I witnessed the most spectacular powered activity…I just about pooped my pants with excitement wanting to know “WHERE CAN I FLY ONE!?”